Blog Archive

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Settling in...

Flew from Chicago to Dublin on the 28th of January - an 8 hour flight and more significantly, my very first flight.  My first flight, on Aer Lingus, was cancelled, and so we were all put on an Airberlin - in my mind, an improvement, as I enjoyed hearing the flight attendants speaking German.  It was rather crowded, but the food wasn't bad at all.

As we approached Dublin, I looked out the window to see an amazing, golden horizon of clouds below the plane.  We passed through the clouds and after a brief wait, Ireland came in to view.  The country outside consisted of small plots of farmland, patches of trees, and some construction. When I met with Kyle and his newlywed wife Kelsey, I felt very welcome.  Leaving the airport, I couldn't help but notice there was something in the air... whether the fresh, damp, chilly weather and the bright sun shining down on us, or the vibrant, green grass and old stone buildings... 

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